Drop Set and Super Set

Effective Training Techniques in Calisthenics: Drop Sets and Supersets

Calisthenics, known for its approach to bodyweight-based training, requires a unique combination of strength, endurance and mobility. To maximize the effectiveness of calisthenics training, specific training techniques, such as drop sets and supersets, can play a central role. This article explores how these advanced training techniques can be implemented to achieve optimal progress and effectiveness in your calisthenics routine.

Drop Set in Calisthenics

Drop sets are an intensity technique where you continue to perform an exercise to exhaustion, then immediately reduce the load and continue to exhaustion again. In the context of calisthenics, this often means switching to a lighter variation of the exercise.


  • Increased Muscle Fatigue: Drop sets can lead to deeper muscle fatigue and thereby stimulate muscle growth.
  • Improved Endurance: This technique challenges your muscular endurance and improves overall athletic performance.
  • Variation in Training: Drop sets introduce variation, which can prevent training plateaus.


  • After a normal set of pull-ups to exhaustion, switch to a lighter variation like Australian pull-ups.
  • Apply the technique towards the end of the workout to avoid premature exhaustion.

Supersets in Calisthenics

Supersets are a technique where two exercises are performed back-to-back without rest. This can be two exercises for the same muscle group, for antagonistic muscle groups or for completely separate muscle groups.


  • Time-saving: Supersets significantly reduce training time and increase training efficiency.
  • Increased Intensity: By reducing rest time, the overall intensity of the workout is increased, which can improve both strength and endurance.
  • Balanced Muscle Training: By choosing exercises for antagonistic muscle groups, you achieve a more balanced training.


  • Combine a push exercise like push-ups with a pull exercise like pull-ups in a superset.
  • For muscular endurance, include bodyweight squats and tricep dips as a superset.

General Advice for Implementation

  1. Start Gradually: If you are new to these techniques, start slowly to avoid overload and injury.
  2. Pay Attention to Form: Since these techniques are intense, you must ensure that your form does not suffer from the fatigue.
  3. Individual Customization: Customize sets and reps based on your individual fitness level and goals.
  4. Balanced Training: Remember to include exercises that cover all the major muscle groups and movement patterns.


Both drop sets and supersets are powerful techniques in calisthenics that can improve your training intensity, promote muscle growth and improve endurance. By integrating these techniques into your training routine, you can make significant progress and keep your training both challenging and exciting. Always remember to listen to your body and adapt the training to your own fitness level to achieve the best results and avoid injuries.